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Prosthetic Hand

Bid Management

We have been providing proposal and Bid Management services to private companies with special emphasis in the Federal & State Government and local government sectors. From identifying, capturing, and managing new government opportunities, to selecting and completing proposals for bids and grants. Submitting a government contract bid is a complex process. Not only do you need to understand the government’s needs, but you need to have insight into your competition, recognize the preferences of the contracting officer, price your proposal correctly and meet all the requirements outlined in the solicitation. To ensure our clients submit compliant and competitive proposals, we provide a number of proposal development and support services, such as:


  • Business and Capabilities Assessment

  • Proposal Design and Win Themes

  • Roadmap for the Proposal Process

  • Team Management and Staff Augmentation

  • Proposal Writing and Technical Writing

  • Color Team Review

  • Graphic and Conceptual Design

  • Production and Delivery

  • Oral Presentation Support


We offer a wide range of capture management and proposal support services. Our staff are highly skilled in assisting clients throughout the process of the RFP. The comprehensive proposal services offered by our Company include :

  • Proposal strategy and proposal management

  • Proposal writing and proposal editing

  • Conceptual art and graphic art support, and

  • Proposal document production.


Management :
For each proposal project we assign a project manager whose jobs include:

  • Developing the proposal outline,

  • Analysis of the solicitation and ascertaining proposal requirements and proposal evaluation criteria,

  • Estimating proposal time and staff requirements,

  • Interfacing with client’s senior managers as necessary,

  • Providing day-to-day oversight, and resolution of issues related to personnel, management, technical, cost and other relevant topics.


Staff :
Our proposal staff include proposal managers, proposal writers, and graphic artists who are all knowledgeable about the federal proposal process. They are all hands-on in the development of solution frameworks, proposal content, and graphics concepts.


Modern Molecule can provide your company with an experienced capture manager to plan and lead your bid processes. At our company, capture management means doing everything necessary, from pre-REF phase all the way to bidding and post bidding phases, to ensure winning an opportunity. We help you select the opportunity, assess and qualify it to be worth your resources, and then get you through the pre-RFP, bidding, and post-bidding phases using an experienced capture manager who will be tasked to your case. He/she in turn will head a team of experienced staff to manage the bidding process throughout its 3 phases. Our capture manager will in turn report to one your management personnel to get direction and support.


This capture management service will provide the following benefits to your company:

• Raise overall win probability.
• Winning more business from fewer, better-qualified opportunities.
• Decrease costs.


The capture management process will include:

• Assess & qualify the opportunity.
• Get final go-ahead approval from the client
• Prepare the capture plan and capture team.
• Understand the customer’s requirements and objectives.
• Develop a preliminary solution and check with the customer
• Assess the competition.
• Develop a win strategy including the pricing strategy.
• Develop and execute a teaming strategy.
• Develop a risk strategy
• Prepare & submit the final proposal incorporating all information into it
• Follow-up

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